1. Introduction
The objective of the subject Basics of Sports Science and Theory of Training is to teach students the most significant definitions, systems, research procedures, special methods, interdisciplinary area of sports science and theory of training. Sports science includes all the sciences relating to sports that promote learning and developing athletic performance taking into account a sportsperson’s biological, psychological and social characteristics too. Sports science includes the priority fields of sport physiology, the most important aims of sport psychology, the psychological symptoms of enhancement. Furthermore it deals with subjects relating to sport-biomechanics, sport pedagogy and sport economics. discussing the basics of theory of training the most important definitions and methods of training is revealed. The focus is on the theoretical and methodological aspects of drawing up a training/workout programme, the structures of training and competition regimes. Moreover the elements of sport effort and its development will be on focus too. During the course the meaning of specificity at different levels is a key factor. In view of this, specificity and indviduals in different sports will be discussed in a separate chapter. Therefore indiviudal parameters will be dealt with too. This means that sports will be categorized on the basis of the effort parameters. The sportspersons abilities and skills will be discovered with the methods of performance diagnostics, and personalized developments will be prepared. During the course all the interdisciplinary sciences relating to sports science and theory of training will be included. This complex summary provides a global basis and rational approach to sports science. The ultimate goal of the course is to train such experts who bear in mind the optional performance in competitions and represent view of a stressed health psycho-motor development.