Let’s examine the relationship between sport and education. The range of pedagogical possibilities in sport is almost infinite. Sport, physical activity has a multifaceted and positive effect on the human body, and therefore it is a possible means of education as well as its scene. Areas of education (health, intellectual, physical, emotional, moral, aesthetic, environmental, civic, multicultural) are presented in a complex way in sport. Let’s look at these in more detail.
Nowadays, as more and more health is spoken, we are more and more engaged in healthy lifestyle, so in the role of sport in education - health education - it is the focus of attention first. Numerous studies deal with the beneficial effects of physical activity, movement on health, and prove that it is one of the possible means of maintaining and maintaining physical and mental health. It has proven its effect in the prevention and rehabilitation of the most common diseases of today (cardiovascular diseases, certain types of cancer, type 2 diabetes). Research over the past decades has demonstrated the beneficial effects of movement on brain functions. Regular movement improves spatial learning performance and spatial memory. Regular sport has a positive effect on memory, concentration, fantasy, intellectual performance and learning performance (Biró, 2015b). Health education can also be realized through many positive effects of movement, but it is important to develop conscious health-maintaining and health-enhancing behaviors.
In addition to the health-promoting and health-preserving function of sport, one should not forget about the possibilities of physical education, moral, intellectual and aesthetic education. Sport develops social and emotional skills, develops success and failure, defeats victory and defeat, and successfully develops social networking, adaptation, and conflict management.
The development of knowledge related to sport activity and the development of sport culture can also provide opportunities for mental education. In the course of mental education, the acquisition of knowledge can be used to improve observation, memory, imagination, attention, and problem solving.
For a few decades, physical education, and thus physical exercise, were literally understood as physical education. For a long time, sports and physical education have been identified almost exclusively by physical (somatic) education. Within the educational activity, physical education encompasses all the measures and activities and conditions that are necessary for the harmonious versatile healthy physical development of the human body. “A complex area that involves a wide range of disciplines — subjects — subjects (biology, physics, chemistry, history, etc.). The main tasks of somatic education are to ensure healthy physical development; preserving and consolidating health; the development of physical abilities and exercise. In addition, there is a need for regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle in general, including daily exercise and exercise 7 .”
One of the important areas of education is moral education, where moral norms, behaviors, behavioral norms are used to develop the moral image of the personality, to form a moral person. Knowledge and acceptance of moral norms, values, cultured behaviors, and behavioral norms are the first step, then the observance of the rules, and the action driven by the norms, the character is formed. The essence of moral education is to empower the individual to moral behavior. In this process, the mastery of the moral values, the formation of the custom system, has an important role to play in the moral example, the parent, the contemporary group, the educator, the coach. Normally, the norms and requirements for moral development are determined by society, but environmental impacts (school, family, sports space) play an important role. Studies among teachers (Lénárd and Szivák, 2001) show that teachers believe in the long-term values of education and its mediation. The most important among the examination of their views on education was the transfer of moral standards. The coaching approach of coaches is similar to that of school teachers, but there are significant differences in the views of coaches in each sport. The coaches of the ball games trust the possibility of education more than any other sport group (Gombocz J. 1996; 2004; Gombocz G., 2008).
The demand for and demand for the harmonious, coordinated, easy implementation of sporting movements also improves the aesthetic sense of the students. The “perfect”, beautiful movement is to be consciously drawn to the fact that students, athletes, can compare their first attempts with a flawless, technically impeccable motion, and can store it as a value.
The environmental problems of today call attention to the importance of environmental education In the field of outdoor sports activities, hiking and camping, it is possible to get to know the environment, and during the time spent in nature, the view and value system of the surrounding world can develop (Müller et al. 2007, Müller et al. 2008, Nagy, Müller, 2010). Educating the environment is also a global vision and lifestyle. Exercises, tours, and outdoor activities teach nature to honor. How can someone teach nature-friendly or environmental protection? If you experience the beauty of nature, and you gain the experience of not only respecting, but also protecting your environment. Discovering the beauty of the landscape and the environment also enhances the aesthetic sense of the students. The goal is to preserve, improve, take responsibility and develop responsible thinking in our natural environment (Kristonné et al. 2008, Biró, 2015a; Herpainé et al. 2017, Müller, 2017).
In summary, sport is one of the tools of health education, physical education, moral, intellectual and aesthetic education. The educational effect of sport is valid if (the pupil’s personality develops properly) if the sport activity is carried out under pedagogical guidance.
Of course, the education of the sport is accompanied by civic education. What does this mean? What kind of educational tasks do you have here? Let’s see! All people are full members of society. Target, open, self-reflective, logical, responsive culture, tolerant problem sensitive personality. The key elements of civic education, the foundation of which is indispensable in the sports arena are: educating each other in respect; improving interoperability; developing responsibility; decision-making, developing electoral skills; self-sufficiency, self-advocacy education; communications planning; developing creativity; educating the values of the environment; traditions.
The 21st century is a period of multicultural societies. The coexistence and mixing of different cultures, languages, customs, traditions and religions led to the emergence of multicultural societies. Multicultural education, however, is much earlier, and is best expressed by the educational values inherent in the Olympic Games (fair play, solidarity, friendship between peoples) and the spirit of Olympism (Judge, 2003; Bíró et al. 2017; Müller et al. 2016). The Olympic Book beautifully outlines the essence of multicultural education. For example, any form of discrimination directed at a country or a person based on race, religion, politics, gender, or any form is incompatible with the Olympic Movement. As a philosophy of life, Olympism unites and glorifies the abilities of the body, the will and the spirit as a whole. Combining sport with culture and education, Olympism strives to create a lifestyle based on the joy of work, the educational value of the role model, and respect for universal moral principles, the Olympic Book says. The aim of Olympism is therefore to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of mankind in order to promote a peaceful society and preserve human dignity. The Olympics and its ideals have an outstanding impact on the lifestyle and physical activity of the growing generation and society as a whole. The Olympic Idea, as a symbolic embodiment of peace and the coexistence of peoples and the bearer of positive messages, is an excellent scene of formal and informal education (Czeglédi, 2007; Czeglédi, 2016).
The function of movement and sports in personality development is not disputed. Movement activity has a number of beneficial effects on personality, but in itself is not enough. We must be aware that movement, sporting activity is an important but not the only and exclusive form of personality shaping (Biróné, 2004). “Personality development is a complex, multifaceted process, complex in which sport has its own specific place and role, and cannot be interrupted by this system 8 .”
When learning the motion material of a sport, it is not just about learning a series of moves, but, in a broader sense, talking about movement, behavioral learning, and even personality and character-forming activities. From a pedagogical point of view, sport, sporting activity is one of the main areas and means of personality development.
Bábosik says, “the basis of the activity, the educational process” (1999). If this activity, that is, the child’s sporting activity, is guided purposefully and purposefully in the process of education, then “behavioral regulation” is developed which can result in “autonomous activity” for both the individual and society. The extent to which this self-controlled autonomous activity can evolve is largely determined by the heterogeneous regulation of pedagogically well-managed activities (Bábosik 1996, 1999). For the heteronomically regulated activity, the literature lists social regulation and authority regulation. In the course of teaching a sport, the coach (as a prestigious leader) and the athlete community (as a means of exerting a social control effect) play a crucial determinative role not only in the effectiveness of the exercise but also in the regulation of the activity and in the educational process.
During the education, the athlete child enters a community where he works with his companions, plays, helps others, observes the movements of his peers, evaluates it, thus evaluates his own performance, tries to outperform himself, and tries to overcome others, thus mutually shaping each other with his fellows. The activity of the child is in the contemporary group, and the “social regulating factor” is the interaction between them.
A child enrolled in education - in this case, in sports education - accepts the leadership role and authority of the coach (the instructor’s teacher), so it is also subject to “prestige regulation”. However, authoritarian regulation is age-dependent and the period of its formation coincides with the beginning of the education of sports. Since in most cases we start teaching in kindergarten and early school age, this is a sensitive time for authoritarian regulation when children begin to accept coaching (instructor educators).
In summary, it can be stated that during education, if the pupils’ activities are subjected to appropriate authority and social regulation, they lead to changes in their personality and thus play a significant role in shaping the personality.
The teaching of individual sports is more than the training of the motion material of the individual sports, a complex pedagogical effect system in which the complex personality development effects of motion action teaching are prevalent.
Personality development, a multifaceted complex process in which physical education and sports education play an important role. “Personality development is guided by a purposefully formulated, pedagogically developed general program in society” The different curriculum (training plan) programs, tailored to their age, define the specific goals and tasks. Practices of physical culture and the related theoretical knowledge. “The path to knowledge is the educational process itself. The effects of this process shape the whole personality 9.”
CONCLUSION Sport as a part of human culture is a specific human activity that plays a very complex and multifunctional role in society. It is an integral part of universal culture, both in terms of its material factors and its intellectual products. It plays a significant role in the development of the human values system, the implementation of a healthy lifestyle, the creation of a healthy lifestyle, health protection, and thus contributes to the promotion of the economic activity of society.
The range of pedagogical possibilities in sport is almost infinite. Exercise and sport have a number of important effects in addition to the function of health preservation and development, which are realized primarily within the framework of organized education, first in the kindergarten, later in the school and sports clubs. Sport, physical activity has a multifaceted and positive effect on the human body, and therefore it is a possible means of education as well as its scene. The areas of education are health, intelligence, physical, emotional, moral, aesthetic, environmental, civic, and multicultural education in a complex way.
The direct purpose of sports activities is to learn, learn, practice, achieve a certain performance, and develop the ability to act. The direct purpose of sporting activity is performance. From a pedagogical point of view, sport, sporting activity is one of the main areas and means of personality development.
In sport, along with educational values, is also emphasized for fun and pleasure. The two do not, however, exclude each other, but rather strengthen it. During the joyful activity, the child learns almost unnoticeably and develops his personality, which is why it is an exceptionally advantageous field for pedagogical education. Educational effects, however, only take place properly if the activity (be it leisure sports, school physical education, competitive sports) is carried out under proper pedagogical control.
CHECKING ISSUES 1. What are the areas of education? 2. What are the educational opportunities in sport? 3. How does the personality develop? What are heteronomically regulated activities? 4. How does sport affect personality development? 5. How does civic education work in sport? 6. What is the effect of movement, sport on mental skills? 7. What is the effect of movement, sport on health?
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Hungarian Olympic Committee↩︎
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