Education is a process of bipolar (two-way), conscious, planned developmental activity in which the teacher directs the student’s activity, thus developing the abilities of the pupil, developing a value system and personality. The educational method is the set of procedures used to achieve the set educational goals. Educational methods are not the same as educational methods. In the case of educational methods, our goal is always personality development in the broader sense. The choice and application of educational methods is determined by the educational purpose, task, age, abilities, behavior, intent of the pupils, the personality, preparedness, leadership style, intentions, goals of the teacher and the pedagogical situation itself and its content. There are several ways to group educational methods.
Educational methods can be grouped according to the relationship between the educator and the educated and the effect (direct or indirect). This is how we distinguish:
- direct education method, and
- indirect educational method.
Direct education methods are characterized by the fact that the educator acts directly on the educated person. The role of the educator is emphasized, the host is educated. Such educational methods include conversation, affirmation, disapproval, and claim. Its advantage is that it is easier for the learner to interpret the experience and to spare him from making mistakes, but it makes it difficult for the learner to develop self-regulating ability and autonomous behavior. They are age-dependent. It can be used effectively in preschool and early school age, while in the case of serenity, it is pushed into the background and indirect methods come to the fore.
When applying indirect education methods, the educator assigns the task to the community and affects the educated through the community, through community norms, values and behaviors. The educator does not directly affect the educated person, but intervenes in contemporary interactions, thus directing the process indirectly. Examples of such educational methods are indirect control, indirect practice, highlighting positive individual and group patterns from community life. These educational methods are effective in developing autonomy, autonomy, and can be used successfully in adolescence. Educational methods can be used with good efficiency in a combination of the two (direct - indirect).
The classification of educational methods according to Bábosik (1994, 1999) is as follows:
Methods of customization
Direkt educational methods
- claims
- practicing
- providing assistance
- review
- encouraging
Indirekt educational methods
- mutual support, prohibition
- mutual assistance
- mutual evaluation
- mutual inspection
Methods of mediating behavioral activity models
Direkt educational methods
- stories
- model presentation
- artwork
- personal example
Indirekt educational methods
- kölcsönös példaadás
A meggyőződés formálás módszerei
Direkt educational methods
- lecture, explanation, conversation
- students’ independent analysis work
Indirekt educational methods
- mutual information
Educational methods can be based on one of the traditional divisions:
- claim
- persuasion
- practice
- control
- evaluation
- recognition
- penalty
Educational methods based on the categorization and division of Kozma (1997)
Methods of persuasion, education, and awareness
- all methods of education
- example
- criticism, self-assessment
- conversation, information
- lecture, information, discussion
Methods of organizing the activity
- követelés, megbízás, ellenőrzés
- claim, order, control
- competition, playful methods
- lecture, practice
Methods that affect behavior
- methods of encouragement, stimulation (promised, endorsement, encouragement, recognition, praise, reward)
- coercive methods (call, command, punishment)
Let’s look at another grouping, based on the main educational methods we use in sporting activities. Methods used in sport according to Biróné (2011):
- educational conversations
- personal example of companions, coach, athletes, adjusting ideals
- the method of claim (claiming moral and behavioral requirements beyond sporting requirements)
- building habits with practice
- control, self-control
- encouragement (workouts, encouraging results)
- reward (one form of encouragement)
- penalty
As can be seen from several divisions and groupings of educational methods, there are many factors influencing their selection and their application (educational purpose, education, age of pupils, abilities, behavior of students, intentions of pupils, personality, preparedness, leadership style of the teacher, intentions, goals, pedagogical situation and its contents). Since all pedagogical situations are different from those of students and teachers, unfortunately, it is not possible to give a concrete “recipe” for each situation. While a particular educational method, which in one case proves to be effective, it may happen that in the same situation, even in the same actors (educated - educated) it will not succeed. Therefore, we can only give “handles” to apply the methods, and pedagogical practice helps them to be effective.
- What is the educational method?
- What is the essence of direct and indirect educational methods?
- How can you group educational methods according to at least two aspects?